Preparing for Your Session.

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Prep Guide & Frequently Asked Questions.

It is my goal for you to have the most stress free experience possible with your session booked with us. Below I have compiled some information that will help answer any frequently asked questions & help prepare you, your family and your baby for YOUR uniquely designed picture day!

How do I dress baby?

Dress baby in easy to remove clothing, not tight or with lots of buttons.  No onesies if possible, or anything that has to be pulled over their head. Zipper (or button) sleepers are the BEST option if you have them! This way, if baby is sleeping, we can easily remove the clothing and diaper without waking.

Texarkana Texas Newborn Studio Photographer blue heirloom theme boy blanket | Helms Photography

What do I bring?

I have plenty of accessories/props for both boys and girls that I hand pick specifically based on my style of newborn photography. I always have new items coming in and love to shop for these sessions. If you have a family heirloom, baby blanket etc., definitely bring it with you. If you send images, you can send me Pinterest pictures for inspiration only.  Remember that these are another artists work and I do not copy or duplicate an exact photo or idea.  It is much more helpful to me to see images of my work that you love!

texarkana texas newborn sibling sister brother portrait photography session

What do I wear?

This is probably the most common question.  For this type of shoot, don't stress too much.  I like soft, neutral solids. I will be cropping pretty tight for 95% of the pictures, so just focus on your top. Try to avoid large necklaces or scarves. I prefer whites, creams, rose, grey, over black for newborn shoots.  I love mom in neutral, light-colored blouses, tunics, sweaters or maxi dresses. Guys can wear a nice white or neutral t-shirt.  You can bring something to go over your tank/tee (cardigan for example) for a few shots as well. Please shoot me an email if you need further direction or would like photo examples emailed to you. (I have lots of clothing in my studio closet for girls up to size 10/12 & gowns that mom could wear - please see “The Studio” section of this website for more information.)

Texarkana Texas Newborn Studio Photographer | Helms Photography

Poop Happens!

Your baby is going to be in the buff for some of this shoot. Do not feel bad if baby has an accident on my props (or me) as it's part of the job! All items that are used are sanitized/washed before working with your baby.

Texarkana Texas Newborn Studio Photographer | Helms Photography

Crank up the heat.

Newborns are used to being all bundled up...and then we take off all or most of their clothes for those adorable naked baby shots. They tend not to like that too much! A portion of the photographs will be naked or with a wrap and hat/headband, so pushing up the thermostat is guaranteed to make the session flow more smoothly and help them sleep better. We may be sweating, but baby will be nice and warm…and that’s really all that matters! Parents - feel free to dress in layers so that you can remove some if you are too warm.

Texarkana Texas Newborn Studio Photographer | Helms Photography

What poses will we do?

Most of the images we’ll be shooting work best if the baby is in a deep sleep. To encourage this, we recommend that you do whatever it takes to make sure baby is nice and exhausted by keeping them awake 2-3 hours prior to the session. Keeping your little one awake on top of your own sleep deprivation might feel like torture, but we think it will be worth it in the end! Newborns often sleep much of the day, so plan to give baby a bath 1-1.5 hours before leaving to my studio. We usually get about 5-7 different setups/looks of just baby. In each setup, I often shoot multiple angles with various headbands/hat for a variety of photos. Remember that every baby is different, and I pose accordingly.  If a baby isn't extremely sleepy, some poses may not be possible, or we may need to swaddle or wrap baby up.

When do I feed baby?

It is very helpful if you wait to feed baby until you arrive at the studio. When you get here, we will get baby’s belly full so that he or she will doze off into a milk coma. A well-fed baby is a happy baby! We’ll also be more than happy to take as many breaks as needed to help him/her re-fuel. Please bring extra formula and bottles if you are using either of those.

Texarkana Texas Newborn Studio Photographer | Helms Photography
Texarkana Texas Newborn Studio Photographer | Helms Photography

Breastfeeding Moms:

If possible, refrain from caffeine 72 hours prior to your session if you are breastfeeding.  We have seen a difference in the babies that are getting caffeine through mother’s breast milk. Babies who are affected by caffeine tend to be very jumpy, tense and alert.

OPTIONAL - Watch what you eat: Gas is the one thing that could end a newborn session early. There are many factors that may cause a baby to build up gas and be uncomfortable. Some is just baby's insides getting used to being outside the womb, and some may be from mom's diet if you are breastfeeding. Here are some things that you may want to avoid if you have a gassy baby: milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, or any other food that is milk based, casein, whey, fish, peanuts, chocolate, wheat, eggs, corn, citrus fruits and prenatal vitamins containing iron. 

Courtesy of Babycenter


Don’t Forget the Paci!

PACIFIER!!! This is very important whether you plan on using it or not, it helps transition baby from position to position. If you’re not a fan of the pacifier, throw it in the garbage on the way out of my studio.  I've had pacifiers completely change the mood of the shoot as it is a newborn's natural instinct to want to suck/pacify. If we do not have a pacifier then it could break a session. I understand if you were told to not use them, but I would bring one just in case this scenario happens.

Things to remember to bring:


If you are pumping or bottle feeding, make sure to bring extra formula or pumped milk.  Please bring extra diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes for both baby and parents (you never know what might happen)! Also, please bring a bottle of gas drops in case. These are safe for newborns and only used as a last resort if baby is very uncomfortable and cannot release gas on their own. Milicon Gas Drops or Gripe Water both work wonders on a gassy tummy.

Safety First!

Safety is the #1 priority at Helms Photography Texarkana Texas photo studio for babies so we will keep an eye on baby at all times or have someone in arms reach of baby 100% of the time. Besides that, please sit back, relax and enjoy this special time! There may be a handful of times I might ask a parent to spot during a certain pose - but for the most part RELAX!! I have had countless hours of safety training for newborn sessions & they are my top priority during their baby portrait session at the Texarkana, Texas photo studio.

texarkana texas east texas newborn family pet photographer helms photography

Furry Friends.

The Texarkana, Texas photo studio is pet friendly if your furry friend is well-behaved, potty trained and preferably spayed/neutered.  If your furry pet does not do well being out in the studio, please be prepared with a crate or a separate ride home once their pictures are finished. If you bring them, please try to not let them jump on the studio furniture. Helms Photography cannot guarantee a photo of dog with baby and I am not responsible if they do not cooperate BUT I will do everything possible to get the shot for you <3

Younger Siblings

It can be helpful to have another ride arranged for younger siblings if they are not able to stay for the entire session. Please try to have another adult there to bring the child out of the studio to play in the grassy area next to the studio building for awhile if they get antsy. Although the antsy toddlers do not bother me, I want the parents and more importantly baby to be as calm and relaxed as possible.  I like to have sibling/family shots completed within 45 min (max), or we risk having an awake baby and may not have enough time for all of the photos of just baby. We shoot for 1-2 sibling set-ups, depending on age.  Although it rarely happens, we cannot guarantee a sibling shot with toddlers.  Also, we do age-appropriate poses for sibling shots and safety is our #1 priority.


Sickness Happens.

We want our Texarkana newborn photo studio to be a clean, safe environment for me and my littlest clients.  If you or your child/baby is sick, please let me know so we can reschedule.  Even babies with a cold will usually not cooperate as they normally would for photos. I will do everything possible to get your appointment rescheduled. But do not panic, I have been able to successfully pose babies as old as 8 weeks. Baby’s health is top priority, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you feel rescheduling is best for everyone’s safety.

Patience is key!

Newborn sessions can last anywhere from 2-4 hours. It all depends on baby’s mood and willingness to sleep. Unfortunately…this isn’t something we can predict! We ask that everyone remain calm, since your baby will pick up on any frustration in the room. I personally have almost ten years of experience with newborn portraits and its very important that you put your trust in me. Crying happens - and I can handle it friend! I have lots of tricks to get baby to sleep BUT if sleep doesn’t happen, that’s okay! Wide-eyed newborn photos are beautiful too.

Texarkana Texas Newborn Studio Photographer | Helms Photography


Let me say it again… Relaxxx! Babies can sense stress and anxiety (especially from their mommy)! It’s super important that everyone remain calm and relaxed during this session. Keeping the environment as mellow as possible is pretty much the only way we’re going to get the shots we’re looking for. I would prefer that parents sit back and relax on the couch across the room.  Although this may be a bit stressful for many parents, my goal is to make this an overall enjoyable experience - and sometimes having parents stand over me while working can make things a little stressful.

What happens next?

After your session, we will schedule your Big Reveal! This takes place about 10-14 days after your session. We will set a time that works best for your schedule & have you and any family that would like to come, come back to the studio to see all your images for the first time and pick out your favorite products for your package.

texarkana texas newborn sibling sister brother portrait photography session

Your Ordering Appointment

This is the best part where you only buy what you LOVE. During your ordering appointment, you will get to see all your images for the first time. All packages include an assortment of digitals & products, but in addition you will also get a percentage discount on any a la carte items you would also like to make it the perfect package for your family. Parents love that they are able to take home folio prints with them the very same day as well as receive the download link for digitals purchased before they even leave the studio. Click below to learn more about your Big Reveal Appointment.

Texarkana Texas Newborn Studio Photographer girls bonnet muted pink theme | Helms Photography
Texarkana Texas Newborn Studio Photographer girls bonnet muted pink theme | Helms Photography
Texarkana Texas Newborn Studio Photographer girls bonnet muted pink theme | Helms Photography

They will never be this small again.

The Studio

4023 Jefferson Ave
Texarkana, AR 71854


(318) 996-8611